Community Real Estate Tourism

Tour of Homes Anna Maria Island 2019

Anna Maria Island Tour of Homes is an annual fund raiser for “The Center of AMI”, which provides recreational facilities, educational, and entertainment programs for young and old.

This year’s home tour is on Saturday March 16, 2019, 10am to 3pm. Homes are at the following locations:

  • The Fangmeyer Home: ….95 52nd St, Holmes Beach (ground level plus stairs)
  • The Kerchner Home: ……637 Key Royale Dr, Holmes Beach (ground level plus stairs)
  • The Horne Home: ………8403 Marina Dr, Holmes Beach (ground level)
  • The Willow House: ……….222 Willow Ave, Anna Maria (ground level plus stairs)
95 52nd St, Holmes Beach, Florida
The Fangmeyer Home: ….95 52nd St, Holmes Beach (ground level access plus stairs)
The Kerchner Home: ……637 Key Royale Dr, Holmes Beach (ground level access plus stairs)
The Horne Home: ………8403 Marina Dr, Holmes Beach (ground level access)
The Willow House: ……….222 Willow Ave, Anna Maria (ground level access plus stairs)
The Center of Anna Maria Island….407 Magnolia Avenue, Anna Maria: Bazaar, auction, raffle, refreshments, facilities, transportation.

Tickets are $25 and are available at all the above locations on the day of the home tour, plus these local businesses prior to the event:

AMI General Store……………………….503 Pine Ave., Anna Maria
AMI Sun Newspaper……………………202 Palm Ave., Anna Maria
Duncan Real Estate……………………..310 Pine Avenue, Anna Maria
Egret’s Nest……………………………..10010 Gulf Drive, Anna Maria
Ginny’s & Jane E’s………………………9807 Gulf Dr., Anna Maria
The White Egret ………………………10006 Gulf Dr., Anna Maria
AMI Chamber of Commerce………5313 Gulf Dr., Holmes Beach
Holmes Beach Ace Hardware…….3352 East Bay Drive, Holmes Beach
LaPensee Plumbing……………………..401 Manatee Ave., Holmes Beach
The Egret’s Landing……………………5602 Marina Drive, Holmes Beach
Crowder Bros. Ace Hardware……..5409 Manatee Ave., Bradenton

Due to limited on-street parking, visitors are advised to park at one of the larger lots marked on the map and take a courtesy minibus or shuttle cart to and between home locations. Carts will run frequently by volunteers.

Free parking is available at Crosspointe Fellowship Church located at 8605 Gulf Drive, Holmes Beach.

Crosspointe Fellowship Church, Holmes Beach provides park and ride.

“The Center of AMI” at 407 Magnolia Ave, Anna Maria hosts the raffle, auction, bazaar, and food vendors.

Real-time traffic conditions on island bridges and roads are available at:

Weather conditions can be found at:

Real Estate

Beach Front Island Homes

What styles of Anna Maria Island homes are on the Gulf beach?

Construction on sandy beach front has changed a lot in 80 years, with easier access, higher standard of living, FEMA rules, and wealthier newcomers. Many older properties have been remodeled and often demolished to be replaced by larger houses.

Here are a few examples of houses built since the island’s early visitors through to today’s new construction.

Built c.1940

Built c. 1965

Real Estate

Permit For Holmes Beach Hotel

Updated 3-2016 and 9-2017 below.
Back in 2001, a former landmark restaurant “Pete Renard’s”, and briefly “Marina Bay”, lay abandoned and deteriorating in the heart of Holmes Beach. Opposite the main mall Island Shopping Center, and sitting on prime waterfront with boat canals and docks, the previously family run night spot with the revolving floor and popular restaurant changed hands and then closed.

It’s been 7 15 years since an aspiring developer put together a plan for a complex of 40 luxury hotel condominiums, a deepwater marina for yachts and boats up to 65 feet in length, a restaurant, lounge and meeting facilities, to be called Tidemark Lodge & Marina.

Pre-construction sales of condominium suites were priced from the $300,000s to the $600,000s. The plan was approved by the city commission and demolition began. Periodic press releases promised great things even as long periods passed with no activity on the site.

Real Estate

Anna Maria Real Estate On The Move

What do the numbers reveal about the Anna Maria Island real estate market?

In the last 12 months there has been a nearly 19% increase in sales over the previous year. Inventory of properties for sale in November 2012 was 323, the lowest since the 2005 market bubble and the crash high of almost 1000 in 2006.

What are the visible signs of real estate activity?

Within a few blocks I observed 7 properties under construction. Two are in the process of demolition, one is new, and the rest are remodels of existing structures.

Waterfront house before demolition

This house sold for $695,000 recently. It has expansive  water  views of  Bimini Bay and boat access to Tampa Bay and Gulf of Mexico without going under any bridges.

It is being demolished for a new house.

Real Estate Sports

Boatlifts and Jetdocks

One of the disadvantages of an electric boatlift can be that the height at which it is raised blocks your view of the water and beyond. There is also the lost convenience of just stepping or climbing aboard your boat when it is kept in the water.

But considering how often recreational boat owners use their craft the lowering of the boatlift into the water is a small effort, while the peace of mind of having it out of the water the rest of the time is worth the trade-off.

A boatlift gets your boat off the water and eliminates the problem of chafing wear to dock lines and fairleads. It also prevents constant bumping into a dock from wind, waves and boat wake.

By not leaving your precious boat in the water, a boatlift allows you to forego anti-fouling – an expensive and recurring job.

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