Community Health

How to Age Well on Anna Maria Island

To some people, ageing well seems to mean withdrawing into a retirement community where there is almost no chance of being disturbed by laughing children or barking dogs. But for those who prefer to remain in contact with the entire demographic spectrum, Anna Maria Island offers the perfect place in which to retire without feeling shut off from the real world. Staying in touch with younger people who are active is certainly a good way to stay as young as possible, even as one ages.

The fact that there is an elementary school right on the island is a good sign. School children live in many of the neighborhoods of Anna Maria Island , and it’s always heartwarming to see them toting their packs as they go to and from school. Sure, traffic can sometimes back up around Anna Maria Island Elementary School, as students arrive and depart. But sitting for a few minutes or slowing down in the school zone can be seen as just one more reminder that island life is supposed to be relaxed. Every delay is just one more chance to smell the jasmine or watch the swaying palm fronds sparkle in the sunlight.

Another good opportunity to slow down and enjoy the surroundings occurs whenever the drawbridges go up to let boats through. Every motorist going to or from the mainland should allow an extra five minutes in case the bridge goes up. Then the beauty of the bay and island can be enjoyed during the wait. Instead of cursing the sailboat going through the bridge, it’s a lot more fun to look at it closely, feel happy for the people on it, and mentally transport oneself to the world of boating. It’s a healthy mental mini-vacation.

Some who retire on Anna Maria Island are concerned about how much time it could take to get to the hospital from the island if the bridge were up. Again, it’s a matter of five minutes additional time. Many elderly people around the United States live in places that are much farther from medical services than Anna Maria Island. Even with the bridge up, we are close to help when we need it.

Some of the fittest elderly people on the island can be seen walking the beach every day. What a beautiful alternative to working out in a health club. It’s possible to walk almost every day of the year, especially if one gets up very early during the summer to avoid the heat.

Anna Maria Island offers so many cultural activities for people of all ages, from art fairs to symphony concerts to theater. There is still enough variety in the local shops and businesses that it’s rarely necessary to leave the island. And it’s possible to get around by trolley. Why move to a retirement village when this island offers all the same essentials and a lot more?

One reply on “How to Age Well on Anna Maria Island”

How to Age Well on Anna Maria Island…

To some people, ageing well seems to mean withdrawing into a retirement community where there is almost no chance of being disturbed by laughing children or barking dogs. But for those who prefer to remain in contact with the entire demographic spectr…

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