Pest control is an ongoing battle on Anna Maria Island, as it is in most subtropical places. Instead of pests, many Islanders like to call them critters. It sounds less disgusting or frightening than the real names for some of the creatures who share the environment and homes of most Floridians. Sometimes it’s possible to see the critters in a positive light. This article is about trying to do just that. It’s an exercise in trying to change your attitude if you can’t change the situation. Because our situation in Florida is that the critters are as determined to be here as we are.
Another critter of questionable reputation is the raccoon. Beloved by some artists and some wildlife supporters, the raccoon is feared by others, and considered a pest, because of the possibility of rabies. They sometimes raid sea turtle nests, requiring that cages be placed over the nests to prevent raccoons from digging. Anyone with a problem raccoon should call Wildlife Education and Rehab in Bradenton Beach for instructions or help on how to have the raccoon taken away under humane conditions.
Now we get to the critters that are more difficult to love. Rats are a concern because they multiply so quickly. In trapping or poisoning rats, it’s very important to think beyond the rat and to consider what other animals might be affected by your method. For example, a poisoned rat might be eaten by a bird of prey, killing a magnificent bird as well as the rat. I’ve even seen a great blue heron swallow a rat, with the tail being the last thing to disappear into the bill. Too bad we can’t rely on great blue herons to rid the island of all the rats. The classic rat trap might maim or kill an innocent squirrel, or even a small dog or cat. Therefore, effective pest control in this case may best be carried out by purchasing a couple of humane animal traps, such as Havahart, from the local hardware store, or by calling a professional pest control company.
I think we have to resign ourselves to calling an exterminator that can use tenting to fumigate and kill the termites periodically. Call a professional the minute you see signs of termite activity, including frass or detached wings, which indicate the termites are swarming. Be sure to call several pest control companies who know which type of termite is present and how to best treat your pest problem. One needs to be very careful in dealing with termite control companies that charge a lot for ongoing visits. It’s best to get several evaluations and bids before choosing which exterminator to use.
4 replies on “Easy Island Pest Control”
[…] It makes a lot of sense to put marble at the base of an island window … especially those of the traditional jalousie design, which are often left open even when showers come through. The angled panes of the opened jalousie window catch and deflect most of the rain away from the sill. But if some of the rain gets through, a marble sill is preferable to wood. The water won’t penetrate, and can be easily wiped away. Damp wood leads to many problems in the Florida climate, including rot, mildew and even termites. […]
[…] years ago, we did not know what was in store for us. There were a few unpleasant surprises, such as termites, but most of the surprises were good ones. For example, the delicious flavor of the bananas that […]
[…] large roaches); not to have rats emerge through the toilet or nest in our walls. Most of the critters that live around us actually add a positive side to our life here. The occasional egret staring at […]
Do you have any advice on how to get rid of all those big spiders that hang from trees in the yard? They are prolific this year but I don’t want to harm other creatures that might depend on them for food etc.