Community Environment

Low Speed Vehicles and Golf Carts On Streets

Low speed vehicles, golf cartsGolf carts and LSV on Anna Maria streets or golf cars, are becoming more appealing these days for the short errands and neighborhood trips we often do, going to the beach, the golf course, the school bus stop, and the local stores.

Holmes Beach has allowed limited on road use of LSV and golf carts for the last year over city streets. The limitation is at the intersection of State-controlled Manatee Ave SH64, and Gulf Drive where Department of Highways prohibits their use. Officials are in the process of finding ways to allow passage to the Publix supermarket on East Bay Drive.

Bradenton Beach will discuss the use of LSV in its meeting Thursday, July 17, 2008, for transporting people from Coquina Beach to the Bridge Street historic commercial district. Previously the city rejected extending the trolley bus service to include Bridge Street.

In order to legally drive a golf cart on city streets, local county or municipalities have to approve their use. The state requires that road-use carts have approved tires, effective brakes, reflectors, and rear view mirror. Night use requires headlights, brake lights, turn signals and windshield.

Most objections to using LSVs on streets concern their Federally limited speed of 25 mph and mixing with higher speed traffic. Island road speed limits are 25 – 35 mph.

Florida DOT allows crossing of state roads only after review and installation of controls at approved locations to address safety.

Other issues relate to the higher accident and injury rates of passengers using golf carts, mainly amongst senior men and boys, obviously the most likely demographics to use them. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration safety regulations do not apply to low speed vehicles.

2 replies on “Low Speed Vehicles and Golf Carts On Streets”

If you have an interest in solar golf cart charging systems new developments in controller technology and a considerable reduction of panel pricing is now making these systems economically viable.

SunGo manufactures the lowest cost and most powerful solar golf cart chargers on the market. Kits include 50, 90, 187, watt systems and all come with the new high-tech Maximum Power Point Tracking controllers.

A major benefit is the 30% tax credit for the solar charging system, when the system is installed the batteries are now part of the solar system making the batteries qualify for the 30% credit as well.

As a resident, I have serious concerns about golf carts on the island. These Golfcart’s are a nuisance to say the least, particularly during season. They do not go the speed limit. I’m seeing kids driving them. Our roads are bulging at the seams, these golf carts are adding to the problem. It seems they are not regulated at all. This has become a major problem since our roads are not designed to accommodate them. I’m familiar with section 316.212 Fla Stat. Many residents share my feelings. I am going to pursue this matter. Meetings, petitions, whatever to make sure residents come first. We are not on vacation and need to get to work and where we are going. I totally understand the need for green, but these tourists renting them have no regard for vehicles on the road. There are only two lanes with no passing. We residents need to get to work and live our lives in peace, we obey the laws, these Golfcart renters do not. I was just approached , followed by two on a golf cart , cursed at because I asked them to pull over . I was going 14 mph behind them in a 25 mph. That is totally unacceptable. I live here . I pay taxes for the trolley. Residents do not deserve this. We are not Disney or the villages. I will do whatever research to find out what designates a road designed for these vehicles.
Thank you

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