Community News

Anna Maria Bridge Closes

Anna Maria Island bridge will close from early morning, Monday, September 29th, to allow planned repairs.

The closure is for 45 days, but may be shorter if the work progresses ahead of schedule, or longer if there are delays.

Anna Maria Island bridge

Traffic to and from the island will be detoured to the Cortez bridge to the south. Increased traffic flows at the Bradenton Beach end of Cortez Bridge will be accommodated by a lengthened turn lane.

Environment News

Tropical Storm Fay Detours Around Anna Maria Island

All eyes were on the tropics this week as a tropical depression in the Atlantic became a storm named Fay, when wind speeds hit 39 mph.

TS Fay path

As Fay crossed the Dominican Republic and Haiti, forecasters correctly predicted a turn to the NW and over Cuba. With no sign of weakening over land, Fay headed toward Florida’s SW coastline, maintaining 60mph winds, and leaving a wake of flooding rains as it made its first US landfall over Key West.

Community Environment Sports

Mullet Invitational Fishing Contest

The Florida Institute for Saltwater Heritage, F.I.S.H., will hold the first ever “Mullet Invitational Fishing Contest” in Cortez, Florida.

Star Fish Co and restaurant

The event will be held Friday and Saturday September 5-6, 2008. The contest will be a tribute to Ben Gullett of “Gullett’s Smoked Mullet” fame and proceeds will be to the benefit of F.I.S.H.


Sailing Tampa Bay

A beautiful day on Tampa Bay last weekend brought out sailors and boaties taking advantage of the breeze and perfect temperature to enjoy a day on the water.

Sailing Tampa Bay

Sailing out of northern Anna Maria Island presents no barriers or bridges into Tampa Bay, the Intracoastal Waterway, and to the Gulf of Mexico. Tampa Bay is one of few Florida deep water bodies of water, along with Charlotte Harbor, where keeled sailboats can enjoy unencumbered cruising without too much fear of running aground on shoals and dredged spoil banks.

Sailing under the Sunshine Skyway Bridge is a treat and navigation is little constrained up to St Petersburg.


St Stephen’s School 5K Run

5k runners Come run along the Manatee River in this historic neighborhood in Bradenton, Florida. This shaded scenic route takes you past the beautifully landscaped, grand old and new homes along Riverview Boulevard.

The proceeds from this race will help to enhance the athletic education of students at Saint Stephen’s Episcopal School Athletic Booster Club.