Anna Maria Island residents in Holmes Beach, Bradenton Beach, and Anna Maria City can dispose of household hazardous waste at a collection station to be set up January 27, 2024, by Manatee County. Hours will be 9am – 3pm on the Gulf side parking lot of Coquina Beach Park.
Coquina Beach, Manatee County E-Scrap Hazardous Waste Collection
Accepted items include:
- Solvents, paints, household chemicals, pesticides, oil
- Ammunition, flares, propane tanks, batteries, fluorescent lamps
- Mercury containing devices, computer components, televisions, copiers
- Video and audio equipment, and small household appliances
Unacceptable items include:
- Radioactive items such as smoke detectors
- Bio-hazard materials such as needles
For more information see or or call Manatee County Utilities Operations Department at 941-798-6761