
Springfest Festival

Anna Maria Island Art League presents the 20th Springfest Festival of Fine Arts and Fine Crafts on March 8 – 9, at the Holmes Beach City Hall field, 5800 Marina Drive.

The festival is open from 10am to 5pm Saturday and Sunday, with many artists’ works on display and for sale. Paintings, glass, jewelry, pottery, sculpture, textiles, woodwork, and photography will be exhibited.

Also featured will be “Young at Art”, an exhibit for children’s art. A raffle will be held for over 50 items of donated works from participating artists. Live Cajun and Bluegrass music will be performed and festival food available.

Springfest fund raising goes towards the Anna Maria Island Art League classes and workshops, and helps support the gallery at 5312 Holmes Boulevard, Holmes Beach.

4 replies on “Springfest Festival”

It was really windy today as a strong cold front passed through overnight. That made it difficult to keep things pinned down but it’s sunny and 65°F so we can’t complain.

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